Which would you rather be? .........................................................
If you have been following me a while now you’ve probably seen me post about Gary Vaynerchuck. If you haven’t heard of him you should definitely check out his socials or mindset videos on YouTube. He can be quite confronting but the thing is I owe a lot to GV for helping me change my mindset. Just think about this. Your chance of being born a human being on earth is 400 trillion to One. That is incredible. You could have been born a mushroom. Literally. If that isn’t something to be in awe and utterly grateful for then I don’t know what is? Here's the link to the GV video where he talks about this. My biggest fear when I left school was that I would end up in a job that I hated and would spend the majority of my life going to said job. Now think about this. According to Forbes 70% of employees are disengaged at work. Meaning they don't feel invested in their work at all or have any desire to help grow the company they work for. That to me that is so so sad. You will spend a 1/3 of your life or 90,000 hours at work. Are you Happy? According to statistics 70% and slowly rising say they aren't.
If you are part of that percentage than why are you choosing to live like this?Most likely because you don’t believe you have the capacity, ability and time to do something else or you are placing too much emphasis on someone else judgement of you. This is where mindset comes into it. In this day and age where technology has opened up so many possiblibilites it’s crazy that we aren't pursuing something we love. I'm not saying everyone should run a business . That's not for everyone which is totally fine. But please find a job that is fulfilling to you. Something that makes you happy. It doesn't matter if that's a high paying corporate job or cleaning hotel rooms. Happiness is the goal. If you’re going to work Monday morning miserable and thinking "I just need to get to Friday" then that is insane!!!! I know because I've been there and it totally sucks. It all changed for me when I decided to 100% take control of my life. I wasn't going to spend 1/3 of my life working for something that made me miserable. I stopped blaming situations and circumstances for why things weren't working out and starting taking accountability for myself. It's so easy to make excuses. It's so easy to complain and do nothing about it. It's human behaviour. But please...don't be a part of that 70% that hates their job & regrets not doing anything about it.