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So what's it all about?.....Coffee, Dogs & Pursuing Daydreams!

Writer: CatherinemarydesignsCatherinemarydesigns

Hand lettering artwork created by

Starting Catherine Mary Designs is not just about running a successful business. It is so much more than that. It is an extension of myself and what I want my life to be like. What I love & what inspires me. Three of those things are Coffee, Dogs & Pursuing Daydreams.

But what do I mean by all this? Lets Break it down.

Coffee. I do not love coffee purely for the fact it makes me a nicer person. Haha. No but really. Apart from loving the taste & boost in energy it gives me it's so much more.

1.) It's my morning ritual: Those first sips in the morning is a wonderful way to start the day. I like to sit and drink my coffee & plan what I need to do that day.

2.) More than just a drink. It brings people together. "Want to catch up & grab a coffee?" A young woman I went to school with is doing an amazing job with this in regards to 'bringing people together with coffee 'which I hope to talk about it a future blog post.

3.) I meet new people all the time at cafes either sitting or waiting in line. I have made so many new connections and I love hearing a little about someones else's life whilst waiting for your daily medicine. Also if I am being honest there are many cute furbabies out for coffee too. If there's one ice breaker that works everytime it's asking someone about their dog! ;)

Dogs.Ok, I need to try and condense my writing here or I could go on and on about how much I love these amazing, adorable & smart creatures.

1.) I grew up on a farm and always had animals. My dogs growing up were my companions. I spoke to them like they were humans. They knew when I was upset, they knew when I was in a crazy mood. They loved cuddles they spoke with their eyes and actions. I owe a lot to the dogs in my life for comforting me in times of need and keeping me relatively normal.

2.) More than just a dog; One reason for getting our beautiful 'Castiel' is because my fiancé suffers PTSD ( Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). Seeing the changes in him once when Castiel came home was amazing. I will speak more about this in a later post.

Dogs are incredible! They help with reading, mental illness, companionship, security and many, many more things.

3.) They are the inspiration for my business. It all started with me making Castiel a personalised pillow case and then things eventuated from there. He is without a doubt the main reason I am now working on something I love.

Pursuing Daydreams. This right here is my daydream. Something I used to think about each day but also accompanied with the self doubt thoughts of "oh no, I can't do that". 1.) I used to tell myself that I wasn't smart enough, I knew nothing about business, How do I even start, I will never be successful, I just can't do it, It will fail, I don't have enough money to do that, I don't have enough resources to do just went on and on....

2.) One day I realised I didn't want to be one of those people that worked their entire life in a career/job they were unhappy in. The idea in life is to be happy. So I decided to pursue my daydream.

3.) It's all about overcoming that self doubt. Once you get past that self doubt I believe the possibilities are endless.

My daydream is still a work in progress.

I appreciate all the support I have received so far & I am so looking forward to this journey!

Much gratitude,

Cm x


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